A few questions I commonly get asked:
- Will the Shoe Odometer save me money? We find that most people replace their shoes without knowing how much longer their shoes will last. The Shoe Odometer allows you to be more precise with your shoe wear. After as little as a few pairs of shoes the Shoe Odometer can pay for itself.
- Why is the Shoe Odometer better than a pedometer? Most pedometers have erratic results because they count your hip movement, not your actual steps. The Shoe Odometer is worn on your shoe and counts real steps. Walkers report an unintended benefit of the Shoe Odometer is that it remains on the shoe; you never have to remove it or search for it when you're ready to exercise. It's always where it should be - on your shoe.
- If knowing my stride rate will help me stay injury free, why don't I hear much about it? Until now it's been a hassle to measure stride rate and the only inexpensive way was to manually count. The Shoe Odometer makes monitoring your stride rate as easy as using your watch.
- Did you really develop the Shoe Odometer by yourself? Yes and no. I came up with the idea of how it should work and started the business. I didn't have the necessary engineering or programming skills, so I hired professionals for those tasks and have a very capable electronics consultant.